Do what you will, this world’s a fiction and is made up of contradiction.
– William Blake
Martin Fasting is a visual artist, whose work includes painting, drawings, and installations exhibited in various galleries and public institutions in Denmark and throughout Europe, the US and the Middle East. His interests include exploring the human condition through nature, psychology, archetypes, social structures as well as natural science as ways to explore the basic questions of reality as we think we know and believe it to be.
Martin Fasting er billedkunstner, hvis arbejde omfatter maleri, tegning og installationer udstillet i forskellige sammenhænge i Danmark såvel som rundt om i Europa, USA og Mellemøsten. Hans interesser omfatter at arbejde med basale menneskelige relationer igennem natur, psykologi, arketyper, sociale strukturer samt naturvidenskaben som måder at udforske de grundlæggende spørgsmål om virkeligheden, som vi tænker vi ved og tror den er.
Do what you will, this world’s a fiction and is made up of contradiction.
– William Blake
Martin Fasting is a visual artist, whose work includes painting, drawings, and installations exhibited in various galleries and public institutions in Denmark and throughout Europe. More over he’s been working with wall murals and art projects in Syrian refugee camps in Northern Lebanon, and schools and public spaces in places like Jerusalem, Ramallah and elsewhere. His interests include exploring human relations through psychology, archetypes, social structures as well as natural science as ways to explore the basic questions of reality as we think we know and believe it to be.
Martin Fasting er billedkunstner, hvis arbejde omfatter maleri, tegning og installationer udstillet i forskellige sammenhænge i Danmark såvel som rundt om i Europa. Han har endvidere arbejdet med vægmalerier og kunstprojekter i syriske flygtningelejre i det nordlige Libanon, samt skoler og offentlige rum i Jerusalem, Ramallah og andre steder. Hans interesser omfatter at arbejde med basale menneskelige relationer så som psykologi, arketyper, sociale strukturer samt naturvidenskaben som måder at udforske de grundlæggende spørgsmål om virkeligheden, som vi tænker vi ved og tror den er.
Do what you will, this world’s a fiction and is made up of contradiction.
– William Blake
Martin Fasting is a visual artist, whose work includes painting, drawings, and installations exhibited in various galleries and public institutions in Denmark and throughout Europe. More over he’s been working with wall murals and art projects in Syrian refugee camps in Northern Lebanon, and schools and public spaces in places like Jerusalem, Ramallah and elsewhere. His interests include exploring human relations through psychology, archetypes, social structures as well as natural science as ways to explore the basic questions of reality as we think we know and believe it to be.
Martin Fasting er billedkunstner, hvis arbejde omfatter maleri, tegning og installationer udstillet i forskellige sammenhænge i Danmark såvel som rundt om i Europa. Han har endvidere arbejdet med vægmalerier og kunstprojekter i syriske flygtningelejre i det nordlige Libanon, samt skoler og offentlige rum i Jerusalem, Ramallah og andre steder. Hans interesser omfatter at arbejde med basale menneskelige relationer så som psykologi, arketyper, sociale strukturer samt naturvidenskaben som måder at udforske de grundlæggende spørgsmål om virkeligheden, som vi tænker vi ved og tror den er.
1989-92 – Det Jyske Kunstakademi / Academy of Jutland, Århus.
1992-95 – Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam.
Artist Residency, Open drawing studio at Art center Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg DK (July)
Indisk Bazar, Atelier 228, Cph. DK
Artist residency, Art Ark, San Jose, CA, USA (end june – mid August)
Frygt/ Fear, Solo, Kunstbiblioteket Cph, DK
Stjernestøv/Stardust, Solo exhibition Galleri Østergaard, Ikast, DK
Mothers of Famous Historical Men, solo exhibition, Hygum Art Museum, Denmark
Portrait Now, Museum of National History, Fredensborg Castle, Denmark
Space Journey, group show, Galerie Peliter, Copenhagen
Berlin Soup Art Festival, Stadens Museum for Kunst, Christiania, Copenhagen.
Wall paintings, workshops, and integration of art in a school in Al Zaim, Jerusalem.
Murals, different locations throughout the West Bank, Palestine.
The World is Yours, Gallery Jørgen Østergaard, Solo exhibition, Denmark
Various Wall Paintings/murals around the Middle East
Various Art Fairs, Denmark
Wallpaintings/Murals and other art projects in Syrian refugee camps, Akkar, North Lebanon
Lindholm indefra/on the inside. Wallpainting and workshop Lindholm, social housing Nykobing Falster
Various Art Fairs, Denmark
Wallpaintings/Murals and other art projects in Syrian refugee camps, Akkar, North Lebanon
By the way, I love you, Dawawine, Beirut, Lebanon
Various Art Fairs, Denmark
.2016 and earlier (selected):
The Zoo, Soleinsigth, Beirut, Lebanon; Galleri Oxholm, Copenhagen, solo exhibition.; Syn/Vision, Galleri Jørgen Østergård, solo exhibition; Under overfladen, Brantebjerg, Group exhibition; Nykøbing Sj.; 4 paintings for the new hospital in Trondheim, Norway.; Floden strømmer baglæns, Galleri Pi, solo, Cph, Denmark; Galleri Jørgen Østergård, group expo, Ikast.; Mothers, Stichting by the way, Amsterdam.; From out of nowhere, solo exhibition; Galleri Pi, Cph, Denmark.; Udsyn, group exhibition; Galleri Pi, Copenhagen; Jubilæumsudstilling for Thorstedlund Kunsthøjskole, Langes Galleri, Frederikssund; Lust for Life, solo exhibition; Stichting by the way, Amsterdam; Maleri, maleri, Lyngby Kunstforening; Hygum Kunstmuseum, two paintings for permanent installation; Forsvindingspunkt, solo exhibition; Galleri Pi, Copenhagen; Group shows in Galleri Tom Christoffersen, Højriis, Pi, Reed among others
Grants: Statens kunstfond/The State Art Foundation, Theodor Irgens-Berg og Hustrus kunstnerlegat, Jyllandspostens legatbolig i Berlin, Arbejdslegat Statens Kunstfond, Billedkunstrådet
Member of BKF, the Danish Art Union
1989-92 – Det Jyske Kunstakademi, Århus.
1992-95 – Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
Portrait Now, Museum of national history, Fredensborg Castle, Denmark (May)
Mor (mothers of historical famous men), Solo exposition, Hygum Art museum, Denmark (July)
Solo exposition Kunstbiblioteket, Cph. Denmark
(September, exposed from 2020 because of the Corona)
Ongoing projects including wallpaintings and integration of art in school in Al Zaim, Jerusalem. (on hold because of the Corona)
The world is yours, Gallery Jørgen Østergaard, Solo expo, Denmark
Ongoing wall paintings A’Ramallah, West Bank, PL and elsewhere
On going Wallpaintings/Murals and other art projects in different Syrian refugee camps, Akkar, North Lebanon
Lindholm indefra/on the inside. Wallpainting and workshop Lindholm, social housing Nykobing Falster
Diverse Art fairs Denmark
On going Wallpaintings/Murals and other art projects in different Syrian refugee camps, Akkar, North Lebanon
By the way, I love you, Dawawine, Beirut, Lebanon
Diverse Art fairs Denmark
The Zoo, Soleinsigth, Beirut, Lebanon
Diverse Art fairs Denmark
2015, Diverse Art fairs Denmark
2014, Galleri Oxholm, Kbh. Seperat expo.
Diverse Art fairs Denmark
2013, Syn, Galleri Jørgen Østergård, seperat expo
Under overfladen, Brantebjerg, Group expo, Nykøbing Sj.
Diverse Art fairs Denmark
4 paintings for the new hospital in Trondheim, Norway.
2012, Floden strømmer baglæns, Galleri Pi, separat expo, Cph, Denmark.
Galleri Jørgen Østergård, group expo, Ikast.
Diverse Art fairs Denmark
2011, Mothers of great historical men. Stichting by the way, Amsterdam.
Diverse Art fairs Denmark
2010, From out of nowhere, separat expo, Galleri Pi, Cph, Denmark.
Udsyn, group expo, Galleri Pi, Cph, Denmark
Diverse Art fairs Denmark
2009, Jubilæumsudstilling for Thorstedlund Kunsthøjskole, Langes Galleri, Frederikssund.
2007, Lust for Life, seperatudstilling, Stichting by the way, Amsterdam.
Maleri, maleri, Lyngby Kunstforening.
Hygum Kunstmuseum, to værker til permanent ophængning.
Forsvindingspunkt, separatudstilling, Galleri Pi, Kbh.
Ung dansk kunst, Pakhuset, Nykøbing Sj.
Gruppeudstillinger hos Tom Christoffersen Art og Galleri Susanne Højriis, Kbh.
Galleri Pi, separatudstilling, Kbh.
Gruppeudstilling, Tom Christoffersen Art, Kbh.
Behind The Next Hill, Peplinc, Kbh.
Parmacon, Hillerød.
Efterladt, installationer i fem efterladte biler i Kbh. NV. I samarbejde med Rune F. Jensen.
1 + 1, separatudstilling, Galleri Pi, Kbh.
Et øjeblik, separatudstilling, Galleri Pi, Kbh.
The Container, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin: en måneds workshop/udstilling/website sammen med 9 hollandske kunstnere i Berlin.
Park, Holufgaard, gruppeudstilling.
Out of Time, separatudstilling, Galleri Reed, Kbh.
5 + 1, gruppeudstilling, Galleri Reed, Kbh.
Galleri Reed, gruppeudstilling, Kbh.
Gateway to the Arctics, Tromsø Kunstbygning, Norge ( et fire ugers rejseprojekt med fire hollandske billedkunstnere).
Maleri, separatudstilling, Galeri Pi, Kbh.
Romance, gruppeudstilling, Under Dybbølsbro, Kbh.
Gruppeudstilling, Galleri Reed, Kbh.
Off the road, gruppeudstilling, Under Dybbølsbro, Kbh.
K.E., Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Kbh.
Jubilæumsudstilling, Kulturfabrikken, Kbh.
Forårsudstillingen, Charlottenborg.
Stichting Steyn, Haarlem, 1+1, Holland.
Galleri Amfilada, gruppeudstilling, Stettin Polen.
K.E., Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Kbh.
Rum 46, gruppeudstilling, Århus.
Arte Limitado, gruppeudstilling, Utrecht, Holland,
Eindexamen Expo, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Holland.
Import, Samarbejdsprojekt med 3 hollændere, Kulturfabrikken.
City thoughts, gruppeudstilling, Frank Gribling, Amsterdam.
Secrets, gruppeudstilling, General Vetterstr. Amsterdam.
Quick fit, gruppeudstilling, General Vetterstr. Amsterdam.
Byvinduer, Grenå.
Ringsted Galleriet, Ringsted.
Legater, bl.a:
Statens Kunstfonds 2-årige legat.
Theodor Irgens-Berg og Hustrus kunstnerlegat.
Jyllandspostens legatbolig i Berlin (2000).
Arbejdslegat Statens Kunstfond 2002.
Billedkunstrådet 2003.
Mothers of famous historical men, Hygum Kunstmuseum,2021
Crowd, 100×150, 2021
Homeland/Fairouz, Wall painting, A’Ramallah, Palestine, ’20
Drawing class, Syrian refugee camp, Akkar, Lebanon, 2018
Painting, Syrian refugee camp, Akkar, Lebanon, 2017
Red yellow blue, Permanent installation, st Olav hospital Trondheim, Norway 2011
Car crash, 2005